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KanyashreePrakalpa seeks to improve the status and wellbeing of girls, specifically those from socio-economically disadvantaged families through Conditional Cash Transfers by:
Incentivizing them to continue in education for a longer period of time, and complete secondary or higher secondary education, or equivalent in technical or vocational streams, thereby giving them a better footing in both the economic and social spheres.
Disincentivising marriage till at least the age of 18, the legal age of marriage, thereby reducing the risks of early pregnancies, associated risks of maternal and child mortality, and other debilitating health conditions, including those of malnutrition.
It was also decided that the Scheme should confer more than just monetary support; it should be a means of financial inclusion and a tool of empowerment for adolescent girls. The scheme benefits are therefore paid directly to bank accounts in the girl’s names, leaving the decision of utilization of the money in their hands.
To reinforce the positive impact of increased education and delayed marriages, the scheme also works to enhance the social power and self-esteem of girls through a targeted behaviour change communication strategy. The communication strategy not only builds awareness of the scheme, but includes adolescent-friendly approaches like events, competitions and Kanyashree clubs, and the endorsement of strong women figures as role models to promote social and psychological empowerment.
As more and more girls remain in school, it is envisaged that they will use the opportunity to gain skills and knowledge that will help them become economically independent. Even if girls do get married soon after they turn 18, it is expected that their education and enhanced social and emotional development will give them a better foundation for their adult lives. And over time, as entire generations of women enter marriages only after they have some degree of economic independence, it is expected that the practice of child marriage is completely eradicated, and women will attain their right to health, education and socio-economic equality.
The Sitaram Jindal Foundation (SJF), formerly known as S J Jindal Trust, established in 1969 is a charitable organization and one of the most sought after international NGOs in Bangalore with the humanitarian objective of serving the poor and downtrodden in various fields. True to the inspiring ideals and values of its Chief Architect & Founder, Dr. Sitaram Jindal, the Foundation has been promoting and providing basic needs of the people across various sections of the society in different fields including education, healthcare and rural development without discrimination of caste and creed and religion.
The foundation is one of the top NGOs in Bangalore and has setup several schools, colleges, hospitals and constructed many pathshalas (rural schools) apart from initiating and running many welfare schemes and vocational courses for the benefit of the poor and deprived. Besides awarding scholarships to more than 12000 students each year, the Foundation has been extending financial support to more than 500 charitable institutions annually to sustain their activities for over 46 years now.
The Foundation is an independent entity and is primarily a charity or NGO in Bangalore and has no political, religious or commercial affiliation. It serves humanity irrespective of caste, creed, colour or religion. It does not take any financial help from government or other agencies.
Introduction of Revamped SWAMI VIVEKANANDA MERIT-CUM-MEANS SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME is a giant leap FOR POOR BUT MERITORIOUS STUDENTS. Majority of students at Higher Secondary level, Diploma (Polytechnic) level, Under graduate level, Post graduate level, M. Phil./ Doctoral level as well as Kanyashree (K-2) recipients will get benefit are covered under this scholarship scheme. The income criteria for application under the scheme is not more than Rs. 2,50,000/- per annum subject to fulfilment of other merit criteria.
With a view to assisting the meritorious students belonging to economically backward families in the State of West Bengal to pursue higher studies, the Government of West Bengal introduces this scheme of giving scholarships at different levels of higher studies, at educational institutions based in West Bengal. The Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship Scheme has been thoroughly revamped in the year 2016 to cover more number of students as well as to enhance the scholarship amounts significantly.