Government ITI Udaynarayanpur
running under PTP
Affiliated to DGT,NCVT,Govt. of India,Accredited by Quality Council of India,Govt. of India & DIT Govt. of W.B.
(Operated & run by B.P.E.I., a training partner of NSDC, a charitable educational organization)
(An ISO 29990:2010 Certified ITI)

BPIE Group
“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”
As we are committed to build the future of our students. Hence we give the best of our present.
At Bishnupur, In the rural and historically enriched remains of Malla kingdom, it’s our mission and vision to make our pupil ready for an advanced world where the technology, automation, artificial intelligence are taking over and whole new level of intellectual evolution is blooming in every field. Our goal in the various institutes under BPIE group is to build the character and the intelligence hand in hand for our students. . We at BPIE group help parents recognize to the specific gift of their unique child. We try to initiate the metamorphosis where the perfection is manifested into reality that is already within him or her.
This group consists of 5 Society/ trusts. They are 1. Bishnupur Public Education Institute, 2.Bishnupur Public Education Society , 3.Barna Parichay , 4. Sreejan Samsad , 5. Anandadhara. They are dedicated in education & health service for more than two decades. Beside technical Education they are attached with School Education , Teachers’ Training , Health Education & Hospital Secvice.