Government ITI Udaynarayanpur
running under PTP
Affiliated to DGT,NCVT,Govt. of India,Accredited by Quality Council of India,Govt. of India & DIT Govt. of W.B.
(Operated & run by B.P.E.I., a training partner of NSDC, a charitable educational organization)
(An ISO 29990:2010 Certified ITI)

- In Government ITIs operated under PTP mode, 20% Management quota seats will not be filled up from this Govt. online admission process. Operators of the Concerned ITI are entrusted to admit trainees to the management quota seats to the Govt. ITI running under PTP. Through this process Govt ITI Indpur running under PTP also admit trainees under IMC quota.
- Trade courses are divided under two group’s viz. E Group & M Group.
- Minimum entry qualification for M Group trades: Passed Madhyamik or equivalent examination from a recognized board.
- For E Group trades: Class Eight passed from a recognized school
- Age limit: Applicant should attain at least age 14 years. There is no upper-age limit.
A candidate can take direct admission in the specific trades of the ITI till the availability of IMC quota.
- Required Documents For Admission :-
1.Admit Card Of Madhyamik
2.Markshit Of Madhyamik
3.Pass Certificate Of Madhyamik
4.School Leaving Certificate Of Madhyamik
5.Addhar card of candidate
6.Father’s and mother’s Addhar card of candidate
7.Fit Certificate of Candidate
8.Passport size colour photo (6pics)